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Lowongan Kerja Kompas TV Tahun 2022

KOMPASTV adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang broadcasting atau lebih tepatnya sebagai perusahaan media yang mengemas program tayangan news, adventure dan knowledge, dan entertainment.

Kompas TV juga lebih banyak menampilkan berita yang bertema berita serta menekankan pada eksplorasi Indonesia, baik kekayaan alam, khasanah budaya, Indonesia kini, hingga talenta berprestasi. Tidak hanya berhenti pada program tayangan televisi, tersedia pula produksi film layar lebar dengan jalan cerita menarik dan didukung talenta seni berbakat Indonesia.

Beberapa film layar lebar yang diproduksi adalah Lima Elang dan Garuda Di Dadaku (2 karya Rudi Soedjarwo), Cinta dalam Kardus, Sang Penari, dan kini tengah menjalin kerjasama dengan MILES Production dalam penggarapan Pendekar Tongkat Emas. Pada tanggal 28 Juni 2011, KOMPASTV mulai menayangkan program-programnya di salah satu stasiun televisi lokal.

Informasi selengkapnya tentang kompas TV lihat di http://www.kompas.tv

Dan kali ini Kompas TV membuka kesempatan kerja untuk anda yang mana akan ditempatkan pada posisi berikut dengan persyaratan dan juga kriteria sebagai berikut.

Lowongan Kerja Kompas TV Terbaru 2022

Lowongan Kerja Kompas TV Terbaru Tahun 2022

Posisi Kerja Tersedia

News Reporter

  1. Max age 28
  2. Minimum Bachelor Degree in any major
  3. Min GPA 3.00
  4. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
  5. High interest in journalistic
  6. Have a good looking and good communication skill
  7. Fluent in English is a must, ability to speak other languages will be an advantage

Sales & Marketing Officer

  1. Max age 28
  2. Minimum Bachelor Degree in any major
  3. Min GPA 3.00
  4. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
  5. Interest to work in broadcasting industry
  6. Have a good looking
  7. Have a good communication & presentation skill
  8. Have a good networking skill

Technical Support Officer

  1. Max age 28
  2. Hold a minimum Diploma Degree in Information Technology, Electrical Engineering or Telecommunication Engineering
  3. Min GPA 2.75
  4. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
  5. Interest to work in broadcasting industry
  6. Have a good understanding in network, broadcast & electrical engineering

Internship Program

  1. Last year college student both Diploma or Bachelor Program
  2. Any major
  3. Interest to work in broadcasting industry
  4. Creative and dynamic
  5. Good communication skill and teamwork
  6. Attach CV included application letter, copy of transcript & cover letter from college
  7. For College Student only

Legal Officer

  1. Maximum age 28
  2. Hold a minimum Bachelor Degree in Law
  3. Minimum GPA 3.00
  4. Have a minimum 2 years experience in related position
  5. Interest to work in TV industry
  6. Have a good ability in legal agreement drafting
  7. Fluent in English with minimum 500 TOEFL score


  1. Max age 35
  2. Hold a minimum Bachelor Degree in any major
  3. Have a minimum 5 years experience in journalistic & TV news production
  4. Have a good skill in communication & leadership
  5. Fluent in English

Finance & Admin Officer

  1. Max age 28
  2. Hold a minimum Bachelor Degree in Accounting or related
  3. Min GPA 3.00
  4. Have a minimum 2 years experience in related position
  5. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
  6. Interest to work in broadcasting industry
  7. Have a good ability in making a financial statement
  8. Have a good understanding in asset management & tax will be an advantage
  9. Have a good skill in administration & clerical work

News Secretariat

  1. Max age 28
  2. Hold a minimum Diploma Degree in Finance or Accounting
  3. Min GPA 3.00
  4. Have a minimum 1 years experience in related position
  5. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
  6. Interest to work in broadcasting industry
  7. Have a good looking and good communication skill
  8. Have a good ability in using any basic Microsoft Office programs
  9. Have a good skill as a personal assistant
  10. Fluent in English

Digital Journalist

  1. Max age 28
  2. Hold a minimum Bachelor Degree in Journalistic
  3. Min GPA 3.00
  4. Have a minimum 3 years experience as a journalist in any media
  5. Have a good news scriptwriting skill in a multiplatform (online, video, infographics, etc)
  6. Have a very good understanding in social media strategic
  7. Ability in video editing will be a good advantage
  8. Interested to social media
  9. Willing to work on shifts
  10. Fluent in English

Motion Graphic Designer

  1. Max age 28
  2. Minimum Diploma Degree in Visual Communication Design or related
  3. Min GPA 2.75
  4. Minimum 2 years experience in related position
  5. Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply
  6. Have a good taste of art
  7. Having a good taste of design (typography, concept design, compositing)
  8. Having a good drawing skill for character/storyboards/concept design
  9. Excellent in operating Adobe family (After Effect, Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator)
  10. Having a good skill at least 1 software 3D (Cinema 4D, Maya, Max, Houdini, Lightwave, Blender), match moving software, Visual fx

Camera Person

  1. Max age 28
  2. Hold a minimum Bachelor Degree in Broadcasting or related
  3. Min GPA 2.75
  4. Able to operating video camera
  5. Interested in journalistic
  6. Have a minimum 1 years experience in related position will be an advantage
  7. Have a good understanding in news
  8. Have a video editing skill will be an advantage

Lighting Person

  1. Maximum age 28
  2. Minimum Diploma Degree in any major
  3. Min GPA 3.00
  4. Interested in Lighting and Journalism
  5. Minimum 1 year experience in related position will be advantage
  6. Good Team Player

Master Control Room Office

  1. Maximum age 28
  2. Minimum Diploma Degree in Electrical Engineering / Telecomunication / Information Engineering / Broadcasting or related
  3. Min GPA 3.00
  4. Interested in Media and Journalism
  5. Minimum 1 year experience in related position will be advantage
  6. Good Team Player

Brand Integration Officer

  1. Max age 28
  2. Hold a minimum Bachelor Degree in Broadcasting
  3. Min GPA 3.00
  4. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
  5. Interest to work in broadcasting industry
  6. Have a good looking
  7. Have a good communication & presentation skill
  8. Have a good networking skill

Central Equipment Room Officer

  1. Max age 28
  2. Minimum Diploma Degree in Broadcasting or related
  3. Min GPA 3.00
  4. Interested in Equipment and Inventory of Broadcasting
  5. Minimum 1 year experience in related position will be advantage
  6. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
  7. Good Team Player

Unit Production Manager Officer

  1. Maximum age 28
  2. Minimum Diploma Degree in any major
  3. Min GPA 3.00
  4. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
  5. Talk active and have a good communication skill
  6. Have a good management & administration

Video Editor

  1. Maximum age 28
  2. Minimum Diploma Degree in any major
  3. Min GPA 3.00
  4. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
  5. Have a minimum 2 years experience in related position will be an advantage
  6. Have a good understanding in television production process
  7. Have a good taste of art
  8. Excellent in operating Adobe family (After Effect, Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator)
  9. Having a good skill at least 1 software 3D (Cinema 4D, Maya, Max, Houdini, Lightwave, Blender), match moving software, Visual fx

Floor Director

  1. Max age 35
  2. Minimum Diploma Degree in any major
  3. Min GPA 3.00
  4. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
  5. Have a minimum 2 years experience in related position will be an advantage
  6. Talk active and have a good communication skill
  7. Have a good management & administration
  8. Good communication and interpersonal skill
  9. Creative, Energetic and willing to work in flexible long hours (shift)

Creative Officer

  1. Max age 28
  2. Minimum Diploma Degree in any major
  3. Min GPA 3.00
  4. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
  5. Have a good understanding in television production process
  6. Good communication and interpersonal skill
  7. Creative, Energetic and Passionate in Broadcasting

Associate Producer

  1. Max age 30
  2. Minimum Diploma Degree in any major
  3. Have a minimum 3 years experience in journalistic & TV news production
  4. Have a good skill in communication & interpersonal skill
  5. Fluent in English

Account Executive

  1. Max age 35
  2. Hold a minimum Bachelor Degree in any major
  3. Min GPA 3.00
  4. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
  5. Have a minimum 3 years experience in related position
  6. Interest to work in broadcasting industry
  7. Have a good looking
  8. Have a good communication & presentation skill
  9. Have a good networking skill

IT Support Officer

  1. Max age 28
  2. Minimum Bachelor Degree in Computer / Information Engineering or related
  3. Min GPA 3.00
  4. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
  5. Minimum 1 year experience in related position will be advantage

Viewer Insight Officer

  1. Max age 28
  2. Minimum Bachelor Degree in anthropolgy, psychology, or related
  3. Min GPA 3.00
  4. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
  5. Have a minimum 2 years experience in related position will be an advantage
  6. Talk active and have a good communication skill
  7. Able to doing Focus Group Disscusion
  8. Have a good understanding in television production process
  9. Good communication and interpersonal skill
  10. Creative and Passionate in Broadcasting

Social Media & Digital Analyst

  1. Max age 28
  2. Minimum Bachelor Degree in Management, Marketing, Statistic or related
  3. Min GPA 3.00
  4. Have a minimum 1 year experience in related position will be an advantage
  5. Talk active and have a good communication skill
  6. Have a good understanding in social media trend
  7. Active in any kind of social media
  8. Have a good ability in using any basic Microsoft Office programs
  9. Eperienced using anaytical tools (Example : Google Analitic)
  10. Willing to work on shift
  11. Good communication and interpersonal skill
  12. Creative and Passionate in Broadcasting

Planning & Schedulling Officer

  1. Max age 28
  2. Minimum Diploma Degree in Broadcasting, Management or related
  3. Minimum 1 year experience in related position will be advantage
  4. Good Team Player

Outside Broadcast Engineer

  1. Max age 28
  2. Minimum Diploma Degree in Electrical or Telecommunication Engineering,
  3. Min GPA 3.00
  4. Interested in Media and Journalism
  5. Minimum 1 year experience in related position will be advantage
  6. Good Team Player

Program Development Officer

  1. Max age 30
  2. Minimum Diploma Degree in any major
  3. Min GPA 3.00
  4. Have a minimum 3 years experience in journalistic & TV news production
  5. Talk active and have a good communication skill
  6. Have a good understanding in television production process
  7. Good communication and interpersonal skill
  8. Creative, Energetic and Passionate in Broadcasting

Mechanical Eletrical Engineer

  1. Maximum age 28
  2. Minimum Diploma Degree in Electrical Engineering, or related
  3. Min GPA 3.00
  4. Interested to work in TV industry
  5. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply 

Cara Malamar Kerja di Kompas TV

Mari bergabung bersama Followers Twitter Baru Kami @gudangloker_com atau di Instagram @gudangloker untuk update lowongan terbaru setiap harinya. Seluruh proses tahapan seleksi TIDAK DIPUNGUT BIAYA. apabila ada pihak yang mengatasnamakan kami atau perusahaan meminta biaya seperti transportasi atau akomodasi atau yang lainnya bisa dipastikan itu PALSU.

Lowongan kerja ini dibuka dibuka hingga Secepatnya. Bagi anda yang berminat dan juga tertarik dengan lowongan kerja diatas, serta kriteria yang mereka butuhkan sesuai dengan yang anda miliki, maka langsung saja masukkan lamaran kerja anda dibawah ini :

"Mari Bergabung di Channel Telegram GUDANGLOKER, untuk mendapatkan informasi lowongan kerja terbaru setiap harinya, KLIK DISINI UNTUK BERGABUNG"

Apply Lamaran Kerja disini

Perhatian - Sehubungan dengan maraknya tindakan penipuan dalam proses rekrutmen, kami merasa perlu memberikan peringatan kepada para pencari kerja. Adalah penting untuk waspada terhadap praktik-praktik yang merugikan seperti permintaan pembayaran di muka, komunikasi melalui saluran tidak resmi, tawaran gaji yang tidak proporsional, ketidakjelasan detail perusahaan, dan proses perekrutan yang tidak terstruktur.

Kami menegaskan bahwa kami tidak pernah meminta pembayaran maupun imbalan dalam bentuk apapun dari informasi pekerjaan yang kami berikan kepada para calon pelamar. Komunikasi resmi kami selalu melalui saluran resmi seperti email perusahaan dan situs web resmi kami.

Kami menghimbau para pencari kerja untuk selalu melakukan verifikasi terhadap informasi perusahaan, termasuk alamat kantor dan kontak resmi, sebelum melanjutkan dalam proses rekrutmen. Keselamatan dan keamanan informasi pribadi Anda adalah prioritas utama bagi kami.

Apabila Anda menemui tanda-tanda penipuan, kami mendorong Anda untuk segera melaporkannya kepada pihak berwenang. Kami berkomitmen untuk menciptakan lingkungan rekrutmen yang aman, transparan, dan profesional.
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