Lowongan Kerja Coca Cola Company
Coca-Cola untuk awal pertama kalinya dikenalkan di Indonesia tepatnya pada tahun 1927 dan perusahaan ini langsung memulai produksi secara lokal pada tahun 1932 di satu pabrik yang berlokasi di Jakarta. Dan untuk menajlankannya perusahaan ini membuat anak perusahaan yang bernama PT Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia, yang mana merupakan salah satu perusahaan manufaktur yang bergerak dalam industri minuman soda non-alkohol dan minuman ringan dengan merek-merek unggulan.
Produk yang ada saat itu seperti :
- Coca-Cola
- Sprite
- Fanta
- Fresh Tea
- dll.
Anak perusahaannya yang bernama PT Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia ini sudah ada dan didirikan pertama kali pada tahun 1992, Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia adalah salah satu perusahaan pembotolan terbesar dan distributor minuman soda non-alkohol di Indonesia.
Dengan lebih dari 9.500 karyawan bekerja sebagai satu tim, Coca-Cola Amatil selalu berupaya yang terbaik dalam mengoperasikan bidang manufaktur dan logistik untuk memberikan kebahagiaan setiap hari bagi konsumen, pelanggan, mitra, komunitas, dan pemegang saham di seluruh negara.
Dan kali ini perusahaan yang membawa nama Coca Cola ini membuka kesempatan kerja untuk anda yang berasal dari tamatan pendidikan minimal dengan jurusan untuk posisi tertera dengan syarat dan kriteria sebagai berikut.
Lowongan Kerja Coca Cola Tahun 2022
Posisi Kerja Tersedia di The Coca Cola Company
Young Professional Program Trainee
- 24 months of structured & extensive on the job training with a mix of strategic projects and business as usual
- Assignments across various verticals within many functions to build strong fundamentals.
- Each stint to be a combination of shadowing, business as usual assignments to understand day to day work as well as core project to enhance learning and provide an opportunity to add value to the organization.
- A mentor will be assigned for the career development, and a group of partners will work with candidates to accelerate their growth.
- Business execution and impact: Influence and drive the execution of business planning and business strategies through in-depth collaboration with bottling plants, enhance market execution, tap market potential, address market uncertainties and challenges, accelerate goal achievement and win competition.
- Customer: Through key customer development and strategic cooperation, to create an excellent customer service system, mutual benefit and win-win situation, to promote the brand and business development.
- Leadership: Exercise influence and negotiation skills in advancing strategic cooperation with bottling plants and strengthen project management. Participate in market project planning and implementation, and develop a keenness, insight and adaptability to implement new initiatives in the market.
- Building Capabilities: Through our enterprise, functional and leadership capabilities initiatives, we will provide you with the tools you need to be future-ready.
- Learning through the Network: Through our networked ways of working, communities of practice and knowledge management initiatives, learn from and share your learnings with others
- Taking on New Experiences: Through technology, we will make it easier than ever to have visibility and access to new experiences.
- Understand how we grow our system Revenue (Revenue Growth Management)
- Opportunity to Work on programs to get products to market (Route-To-Market): Program support and execution of key programs along different channels.
- Engage with Bottlers to support strategy: Planning and executing the different engagements with the bottlers i.e. MITs, markets visits, bottler meetings, sales conferences.
- Communicate and generate excitement for our products in the outlet: Integrator to coordinate business operations and collaborations among Franchise Unit, Bottler and OU functions
- Coordinates some of the Commercial execution elements with bottlers.
- The company offers junior management positions for the most promising and high-performing management graduates. You are eligible to apply for roles across functions starting at the end of 18 months of your development journey. The roles could be across different countries in the ASEAN and South Pacific OU.
- Experience of 2- 3 years, preferably in Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industry
- Sound knowledge of the functional area currently operating in.
- Pro-active, hungry for learning, analytical & strategic thinking, highly adaptable
- Internal: Communicate with internal stakeholders (from franchise unit, OU functions, outside of Asean & South Pacific) and key bottling partners
- External: Communicating with customers, key advisors and other stakeholders to progress and successfully deliver on key business development initiatives
Franchise Analyst
- Provide business performance tracking & analysis, identify risk and opportunities, develop hypotheses and scenarios, and work with other functions on the action plan for management decision making
- Manage difference data system & on-line share folder and coach newcomers
- Support on a deeper analysis of the volume forecast (LE/RE) and EBP target based on business trends
- Coordinate with different functions on Franchise weekly/monthly routines
- Ad hoc projects as per request from Commercial or Operation side
- Provide reporting and presentations for Franchise GM
- Monitor Market share trends and tracking macro data such as GDP, Population
- Minimum of 1 year of related work experience
- Must have strong analytical skills with advanced skills in Microsoft Excel sufficient to create and maintain macro-enabled spreadsheet tools and manipulate data.
- Organized planner who demonstrates attention to appropriately prioritizing tasks
- Strong verbal and written communication skills
- Experience in forecasting, scenario planning, modeling
- High attention to detail and accuracy in a high-paced ambiguous environment either in a team setting or independently
- Pro-active, hungry for learning, analytical & strategic thinking, highly adaptable
- Internal: Communicate with all the frontline team, with the OU stakeholders, etc…
- External: Communicating mainly with the bottler.
Cara Melamar di Coca-Cola
Mari bergabung bersama Followers instagram @gudangloker untuk update lowongan terbaru setiap harinya. Seluruh proses tahapan seleksi TIDAK DIPUNGUT BIAYA. apabila ada pihak yang mengatasnamakan kami atau perusahaan meminta biaya seperti transportasi atau akomodasi atau yang lainnya bisa dipastikan itu PALSU.
Lowongan kerja ini dibuka hingga Secepatnya. Bagi anda yang berminat dan juga tertarik dengan lowongan kerja diatas, dan sesuai dengan kriteria yang anda miliki, Kirimkan lamaran anda dan apply dibawah ini.
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Kami menghimbau para pencari kerja untuk selalu melakukan verifikasi terhadap informasi perusahaan, termasuk alamat kantor dan kontak resmi, sebelum melanjutkan dalam proses rekrutmen. Keselamatan dan keamanan informasi pribadi Anda adalah prioritas utama bagi kami.
Apabila Anda menemui tanda-tanda penipuan, kami mendorong Anda untuk segera melaporkannya kepada pihak berwenang. Kami berkomitmen untuk menciptakan lingkungan rekrutmen yang aman, transparan, dan profesional.
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