Lowongan Kerja Mubadala Petroleum Indonesia
Lowongan Kerja Mubadala Petroleum Indonesia Tahun 2022 - Mubadala Petroleum merupakan perusahaan hulu migas internasional yang dimiliki sepenuhnya oleh pemerintah Abu Dhabi, Uni Emirat Arab. Salah satu usahanya yaitu lapangan gas Ruby yang telah berproduksi, di Blok Sebuku yang berlokasi di Selat Makassar. Dimana gas yang dihasilkan dipasok kepada PLN dan Pupuk Kalimantan Timur.
Perusahaan ini sudah melaksanakan kegiatan dan operasi di 10 negara di mana kita aktif, didukung oleh tim Pengembangan Bisnis, Teknis dan Komersial yang baru. Aset yang dikelola oleh perusahaan ini meliputi proyek eksplorasi, penilaian, pengembangan dan produksi, dengan fokus daerah utama di Timur Tengah, Afrika dan Asia Tenggara. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, perusahaan ini telah membangun track record yang kuat sebagai operator dengan kemampuan untuk memberikan proyek secara efektif dan menghasilkan dengan aman dan efisien.
Alamat Perusahaan :
- Mubadala Petroleum Indonesia
- Pondok Indah Office Tower 2 Suite 801 & 900
- Jl Sultan Iskandar Muda, Kav.V-TA, 12310
- Jakarta, Indonesia
- Telp. +62 217 592 2830
- Fax. +62 217 592 2831
Dan kali ini perusahaan yang termasuk ke dalam Kino Group ini membuka kesempatan kerja untuk anda yang berasal dari tamatan pendidikan minimal Sarjana dengan persyaratan dan kriteria yang dibutuhkan adalah sebagai berikut.
Lowongan Kerja Mubadala Petroleum Indonesia Terbaru 2022
Lowongan Mubadala Petroleum Indonesia Posisi :
Operation Geologist
- Plan and Coordinate Geological Operations for Exploration wells drilling in the deep-water area.
- In collaboration with Subsurface Project team and Drilling team, the office-based Operations Geologist will help to plan and execute well operations. This will include tendering for services relating to Formation Evaluation and then overseeing service providers, Well-site Geologists, and Pore Pressure Specialist while drilling operations are under way.
- The Operations Geologist will be responsible for smooth communication and data transferring between the rig site and the Mubadala Energy office, delivering high quality daily and final geological reports and lithological logs and help to ensure that pre-drill well objectives are met.
- Ensure that the Well-site Geologists maintain a high standard of detailed lithological descriptions and collaborate with drilling in understanding and problem solving geotechnical related issues and to follow it up
- Provide input to well proposals.
- Coordinate with drilling and reservoir teams to ensure well objectives are clearly defined.
- Tender and evaluate Formation Evaluation related services, such as LWD, Wireline logging, mudlogging, and other required services.
- Ensure a high level of geotechnical service performance by briefing and auditing service providers. Set measurement and reporting standard.
- Coordinate between drilling and subsurface teams during well operations
- Supervise Well-site Geologists in delivering high quality records of events and lithology.
- Check service invoices to ensure the company is correctly charged for Mud-logging, Wireline and LWD services.
- Ensure services deliverables meet pre-defined company and government requirements.
- Prepare and finalize Geological end of well report and lithological/composite log.
- Assist with reporting and review process with functions, partners and SKK MIGAS.
- Assist in preparing end of well reports and compilation of well proposals.
- Participate in DWOP and LWOP and prepare any required materials.
- Provide budgetary input regarding Mud-logging, Wireline and LWD services.
- Mentor Companys Geologists in Geological Operations and relevant interpretive techniques.
- Minimum of a bachelors degree in Geology and knowledge of interdisciplinary geosciences.
- A detailed understanding of drilling and related Geotechnical operations and procedures gained through extensive rig-site Geological experience.
- Knowledge of modern LWD and wireline logging tools, mud-logging technology, the acquisition and preservation of whole core and sidewall core, and the acquisition of rock and fluid samples in general. Knowledge of pore pressure evaluation and carbonate reservoir characterization is highly desirable. Knowledge of tendering and contracting process for Formation Evaluation related services. Knowledge of proper workflow and procedures according to the law of the country in regards to engagements with all stakeholders including peers, management, partners, and SKK MIGAS.
- 10 years plus experience in geotechnical wellsite operations, gained working as a mud-logger, LWD engineer, or Wireline Engineer, and with minimum 3 years as a well-site geologist or related position in deep water drilling campaign.
- Experience in the planning and execution of formation evaluation campaigns for operated wells, in collaboration with subsurface project teams, drilling and completions personnel and overseas field operations bases. Experiences with the pore pressure evaluation in deep water environment is highly desirable.
- Work well in a team and with stakeholders, combined with flexibility and adaptability are essential.
- Excellent reporting and communication skills
- High level of professional and personal integrity.
Drilling Cost Control
- The Drilling Cost Control shall provide support regarding budgetary and cost tracking related to drilling projects from pre-planning, mobilization, during operation and post drilling operation.
- All duties shall be performed in the best interest of the company while maintaining the highest standards of professional integrity in accordance with Company policies, procedures, pertinent laws and regulations.
- Work closely with Drilling Manager, Engineering Team and Drilling Contract Specialist related to budget preparation (Corporate AFE and SKKMigas AFE) for all drilling projects.
- Monitoring and forecasting all drilling contracts expenditure values to ensure sufficiency during drilling operations.
- Monitoring and tracking daily drilling cost (rental equipment, consumables, personnel services, other drilling charges) from pre-planning phase, mobilization, operation until final demobilization.
- Provide monthly well cost report (Corporate AFE and SKKMigas AFE) to Drilling Manager.
- Reconcile monthly closing financial ledger from Finance Department for any variances.
- Prepare monthly drilling accrual cost report to be submitted to Finance Department and cash call projection as required.
- Review invoices to ensure correctness of charges with completed supporting documentation and allocate the costs correctly into respective AFE line items.
- Communicate with all drilling contractors via Companys SPOCs related to cost or invoices matter.
- Work closely with Drilling Logistics Team related to inventory used and reconciliation of final inventory report post drilling operation.
- Work closely with engineering team to prepare well AFE close out to be submitted to SKKMigas.
- Bachelor degree, preferably in Finance or Accounting.
- 10+ years with same position experience.
- 5+ years Drilling Cost Management supporting Drilling Operations
- 3+ years of similar experience working in Indonesia.
- Good communications skills.
- Proficient in English and Bahasa both oral and written.
- Comprehension and application of MS-Office.
- Committed team player with ability to multi-task and willingness to learn.
- Organized worker with ability to meet tight / demanding deadlines. Availability to work in flexible working hours is required when work demands.
Drilling QA/QC Coordinator
- The Jakarta based position involves development and management of the Companys Quality Management System (QMS) and Standards for inclusion in all Drilling Contracts as well as a Contract Management role as the Companys Single Point of Contact (SPOC) for related QA/QC and Third Party Inspection (TPI) Services, including managing daily interfaces and coordinating inspection activities between TPIs and other Service Providers.
- The role of Drilling QA/QC Coordinator shall be aligned with the Company's Drilling Guidelines and Standards with oversight of Service Provider audits and equipment inspections. Effective time management and prioritization of tasks are expected.
- Adhere to all QA/QC requirements of the Company's Drilling Guidelines and Standards, policies, local regulatory and best practices.
- Comply with PTK-007 (Rev. 4) in all aspects of Procurement Processes and Contract Management duties.
- Serve as the Companys Single Point of Contact (SPOC) for development and management of QA/QC and Third-Party Inspection (TPI) Service Contracts.
- Prepare Scope of Work (SoW), Technical Specifications, Personnel Roles and Responsibilities (R&R) and Owners Estimate (OE) for QA/QC and Third-Party Inspection (TPI) Service Contracts.
- Provide accurate cost estimates for project-specific Vendor QA/QC Services for WP&B, Corporate/JV Budgets and Well AFE's.
- Review all Vendor Quality Plans, including Inspection and Testing Plans (ITPs), of all goods, materials and/or equipment for Drilling Contracts.
- Oversee the coordination and scheduling of TPI services for Long Lead Items (LLI) along with other equipment and materials prior to and upon delivery.
- Contribute to and participate in project and well-specific Risk Assessments as well as Project Planning Meetings and office-based Pre-Spud Meetings.
- Assist with the evaluation of rig and other Service Providers for safety hazards and compliance with QA/QC requirements.
- Ensure all goods, materials, products and/or equipment have been properly inspected in a timely manner before load out and immediately upon return to the Company's Supply Base or warehouse.
- Manage, maintain and comply to the Companys NCR System, coordinate and manage all incident investigations involving equipment or process deficiencies with timely closeout of the NCRs, including capture of areas for continuous improvement.
- Direct involvement in the installation and commissioning activities of equipment with respect to QA/QC requirements.
- Ensure close-out of all NCRs and that QA/QC Lessons Learned are included in each End of Well Report (EOWR).
- Degree in Engineering.
- 15+ years in a Quality Control position, including:
- 10+ years of Drilling QA/QC duties.
- 5+ years working in Indonesia in a similar capacity.
- Strong understanding of Microsoft Office Suite (Outlook, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Project) and Adobe packages.
- Proficient in English and Bahasa both oral and written.
- Committed team player, good communication skills and positive attitude.
- Organized and structured worker, able to coordinate efforts of others, meet multiple tight deadlines and prepare easy-to-read, concise reports.
- This office-based position entails the need for flexibility in working hours due to offshore operations.
- If work demands, a longer work day may be required, including weekends and holidays. When working in the field, a typical day shall consist of at least twelve (12) hours.
Cara Lamar Kerja Mubadala Petroleum
Mari bergabung bersama Followers instagram @gudangloker untuk update lowongan terbaru setiap harinya. Seluruh proses tahapan seleksi TIDAK DIPUNGUT BIAYA. apabila ada pihak yang mengatasnamakan kami atau perusahaan meminta biaya seperti transportasi atau akomodasi atau yang lainnya bisa dipastikan itu PALSU.
Lowongan kerja ini dibuka hingga tanggal 03 November 2022. Bagi anda yang berminat dan juga tertarik dengan lowongan kerja diatas, serta kriteria yang mereka butuhkan sesuai dengan karakter anda, maka langsung saja kirim lamaran lengkap anda pada tombol lamar tersedia dibawah ini.
"Mari Bergabung di Channel Telegram GUDANGLOKER, untuk mendapatkan informasi lowongan kerja terbaru setiap harinya, https://t.me/gudangloker"
Apply Lamaran Kerja :
Kami menegaskan bahwa kami tidak pernah meminta pembayaran maupun imbalan dalam bentuk apapun dari informasi pekerjaan yang kami berikan kepada para calon pelamar. Komunikasi resmi kami selalu melalui saluran resmi seperti email perusahaan dan situs web resmi kami.
Kami menghimbau para pencari kerja untuk selalu melakukan verifikasi terhadap informasi perusahaan, termasuk alamat kantor dan kontak resmi, sebelum melanjutkan dalam proses rekrutmen. Keselamatan dan keamanan informasi pribadi Anda adalah prioritas utama bagi kami.
Apabila Anda menemui tanda-tanda penipuan, kami mendorong Anda untuk segera melaporkannya kepada pihak berwenang. Kami berkomitmen untuk menciptakan lingkungan rekrutmen yang aman, transparan, dan profesional.
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