Lowongan Kerja P&G indonesia
Profil P&G
P&G adalah sebuah perusahaan yang mana bergerak dalam bidang industri atau lebih tepatnya sebagai perusahaan multinasional yang berasal dari negeri paman Sam 'Amerika' dengan kantor utamanya berada di kota Cincinnati, Ohio, Amerika Serikat.Perusahaan yang dibaca dengan lebih lengkap "The Procter & Gamble Company ini sudah ada dan berdiri sejak tanggal 24 Agustus 1837 yang didirikan oleh William Procter yang adalah seorang pembuat lilin dan satu lagi James Gamble yang adalah seorang pembuat sabun.
Seiring berkembangnya zaman perusahaan P&G ini turut meraih kesuksesan yang mana diketahu pada tahun 1858 hingga 1859 mereka berhasil meningkatkan nilai jual yang diklaim berhasil mencapai hingga 1 juta dolar US. dan tercatat juga pada tahun itu mereka memiliki karyawan sekitar 80 orang yang bekerja diperusahaan tersebut.
Untuk informasi lebih lengkap tentang perusahaan ini, lihat web resmi nya di PG.com
Dan kali ini perusahaan yang membawa nama besar P&G ini membuka kesempatan kerja untuk anda yang mana mereka membutuhkan tenaga kerja baru yang akan direkrut dengan persyaratan dan kriteria sebagai berikut.
Lowongan Kerja P&G indonesia Tahun 2022
Posisi Kerja Tersedia
P&G Internship 2022 – Indonesia
What we offer you:
- You will have business responsibilities from Day 1 – You will work on at least one or two big projects.
- You will receive continuous coaching & mentorship– We are passionate about our work. We will make sure you receive both formal training and as regular mentorship from your manager and others.
- You will join our dynamic and respectful team and work closely with colleagues from other functions – We live our Purpose, Values, and Principles daily. We value every individual and encourage initiatives promoting agility and work/life balance.
- You will work in flexible work arrangements.
Here at P&G Product Supply (Supply Chain), we go beyond sourcing, moving materials and reducing costs. For a consumer goods company, the supply chain is central to delivering the business and you’ll be at the heart of some of the most challenging (and fulfilling) business and supply chain problems.
- You are a top talent, current university student that preferably has graduated or has less than 2 years to graduate (graduation year of 2022 & 2023)
- Available to do full-time internship for 3 months/12 weeks
- Open to all fields of study, but majors in industrial/chemical engineering/computer science and/or having experience with digitization & automation, data analytics/science are preferred.
- You are an excellent visionary, with strategic and fearless leadership skills
- You display strong teamwork, analytical skills, problem solving and solutions oriented mindset especially during issues
- You have an ability to drive innovation and brand growth
- You have the ability to handle multiple priorities
- You take initiative and show flexibility
- You are brave and willing to learn new things
- You are English proficient (written and spoken)
This is an outstanding opportunity to acquire insights into the world of finance in a fast-moving consumer goods company and benefit from Business topics at the heart of today’s news – Evolving channels (E-commerce), competition, and customers’ reality which make working in an FMCG very dynamic every single day.
- You are a top talent, current university student that preferably has graduated or has less than 2 years to graduate (graduation year of 2022 & 2023)
- Available to do full-time internship for 3 months/12 weeks
- Open to all fields of study, but majors/having experience with finance/business/related field are preferred.
- You are an excellent visionary, with strategic and fearless leadership skills
- You display strong teamwork, analytical skills, problem solving and solutions oriented mindset especially during issues
- You have an ability to drive innovation and brand growth
- You have the ability to handle multiple priorities
- You take initiative and show flexibility
- You are brave and willing to learn new things
Do you want to join a team of IT professionals who apply their skills to bring groundbreaking, technology-based capabilities and automation to life? There are tons of phenomenal technologies in the world, especially Information Technology is dynamically evolving in very wide areas. In Proctor and Gamble, we fully utilize them to improve consumers’ life and grow our business.
- You are a top talent, current university student that preferably has graduated or has less than 2 years to graduate (graduation year of 2022 & 2023)
- Available to do full-time internship for 3 months/12 weeks
- Open to all fields of study, but majors in industrial/chemical engineering/computer science and/or having experience with digitization & automation, data analytics/science are preferred.
- You are an excellent visionary, with strategic and fearless leadership skills
- You display strong teamwork, analytical skills, problem solving and solutions oriented mindset especially during issues
- You have an ability to drive innovation and brand growth
- You have the ability to handle multiple priorities
- You take initiative and show flexibility
- You are brave and willing to learn new things
- You are English proficient (written and spoken)
In Consumer Market Knowledge (CMK), we directly influence business strategy, product design, pricing, media investments and much more. You will act as an internal, active, and influential business strategy consultant, whose role it is to ensure that consumer and shopper insights are the foundations of our business strategy and execution.
- You are a top talent, current university student that preferably has graduated or has less than 2 years to graduate (graduation year of 2022 & 2023)
- Available to do full-time internship for 3 months/12 weeks
- Open to all fields of study, but majors/having experience with data analytics/business are preferred.
- You are an excellent visionary, with strategic and fearless leadership skills
- You display strong teamwork, analytical skills, problem solving and solutions oriented mindset especially during issues
- You have an ability to drive innovation and brand growth
- You have the ability to handle multiple priorities
- You take initiative and show flexibility
- You are brave and willing to learn new things
- You are English proficient (written and spoken).
Did you know P&G invented the concept of brand building and data-driven brand management? Over the years, we have remained consistently among the top in marketing, relentlessly finding most effective and innovative ways to win the hearts and minds of consumers.
- You are a top talent, current university student that preferably has graduated or has less than 2 years to graduate (graduation year of 2022 & 2023)
- Available to do full-time internship for 3 months/12 weeks
- Open to all fields of study, but majors/having experience with business/marketing are preferred.
- You are an excellent visionary, with strategic and fearless leadership skills
- You display strong teamwork, analytical skills, problem solving and solutions oriented mindset especially during issues
- You have an ability to drive innovation and brand growth
- You have the ability to handle multiple priorities
- You take initiative and show flexibility
- You are brave and willing to learn new things
- You are English proficient (written and spoken)
Cara Melamar di P&G indonesia
Mari bergabung bersama Followers Twitter Baru Kami @gudangloker_com atau di Instagram @gudangloker untuk update lowongan terbaru setiap harinya. Seluruh proses tahapan seleksi TIDAK DIPUNGUT BIAYA. apabila ada pihak yang mengatasnamakan kami atau perusahaan meminta biaya seperti transportasi atau akomodasi atau yang lainnya bisa dipastikan itu PALSU.
Lowongan Kerja ini dibuka hingga Secepatnya. Bagi anda yang berminat dan juga tertarik dengan lowongan kerja diatas, dan sesuai dengan kriteria yang anda miliki, Kirimkan lamaran anda dan apply pada link tertera diatas.
"Mari Bergabung di Channel Telegram GUDANGLOKER, untuk mendapatkan informasi lowongan kerja terbaru setiap harinya, KLIK DISINI UNTUK BERGABUNG"
Apply Lamaran Kerja P&G indonesia disini
Kami menegaskan bahwa kami tidak pernah meminta pembayaran maupun imbalan dalam bentuk apapun dari informasi pekerjaan yang kami berikan kepada para calon pelamar. Komunikasi resmi kami selalu melalui saluran resmi seperti email perusahaan dan situs web resmi kami.
Kami menghimbau para pencari kerja untuk selalu melakukan verifikasi terhadap informasi perusahaan, termasuk alamat kantor dan kontak resmi, sebelum melanjutkan dalam proses rekrutmen. Keselamatan dan keamanan informasi pribadi Anda adalah prioritas utama bagi kami.
Apabila Anda menemui tanda-tanda penipuan, kami mendorong Anda untuk segera melaporkannya kepada pihak berwenang. Kami berkomitmen untuk menciptakan lingkungan rekrutmen yang aman, transparan, dan profesional.
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